The Great Pumpkin Giveaway

Today’s message will be twofold. First, we would like to remind you of our upcoming second annual pumpkin giveaway, and second, we’d like to encourage you to help support Hurricane Florence relief efforts.

In the wake of the recent tropical storm, we could all use a bit of levity—so let’s begin with the lighter of these two subjects: Our pumpkin giveaway. This event will take place on Saturday, October 14 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Riverfront Park in Mount Pleasant, and we hope to see you there. We gave away over 1,000 pumpkins last year, and we have just as many to offer this year. To reserve your place, and your chance to snag one of these pumpkins, go to The giveaway will be first come first serve, so don’t delay.

Of course, there will be a lot of other things to enjoy at the event, as well. There will be a professional photographer offering family photos, a number of food trucks, and a face painter for the kids. Best of all, our team will also be using this event as an opportunity to give back. We’ve partnered once again with Lifeline, a great organization that places foster children into homes, to raise money for that cause. We raised more than $11,000 at last year’s event, and we hope to raise at least that much again this time.

Overall, this is going to be a great event. You won’t want to miss it.

Next, let’s move on to the more essential of today’s two topics: The relief efforts for Hurricane Florence. We in Charleston are very fortunate that the storm didn’t hit us, but many other areas along the Carolina Coastline were impacted.

“We in Charleston are very fortunate that the storm didn’t hit us, but many other areas along the Carolina Coastline were impacted.”

Still, many of us stocked up on toiletries, nonperishable food items, and other essentials in anticipation of the storm. Now that the potential for danger has passed, though, many are wondering what to do with these things. Our team would like to recommend that instead of leaving them to sit in storage, you donate them to those who were affected by the storm.

We’re taking donations at our office (located at 496 Bramson Court, Mount Pleasant), so we encourage you and anyone you know who has items to spare to join us in making a difference for those in need. We’re accepting over-the-counter medicine, canned food, bottled water, pet food, paper goods, construction tools, toiletries, and other such essential items. Our hope is that, after collecting these items, we will be able to take an 18-wheeler full of them up to North Carolina where we will distribute the goods. If you’re able to contribute, we would highly appreciate your help.

If you have any other questions or would like more information, feel free to give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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