Today, my team and I are in Houston, Texas, where we’ve been helping with flood relief efforts in the wake of the recent storm.
During our time here, we’ve had some amazing experiences. Overall, one experience in particular has stood out in my mind.
Recently, we went into the home of one family we helped and had to remove a huge amount of drywall, flooring, and furniture from the house. This was done to help decrease the amount of mold growing inside their home.
During this process, we began to talk to the family about what had happened. According to the family, it was late at night when they found out the levees were going to be opened near their home. Progressively throughout that evening, water levels began to rise in their neighborhood. By about 4 a.m. there was approximately six feet of water on the street and six inches of water in their home.
“This was an absolutely incredible experience and we’re so humbled to help.”
At this point the family was forced to evacuate by boat, only to return to their home two days later with nowhere else to go. The water had receded, but the damage was done. So many families are going through such terrible hardship right now, and it is absolutely tragic.
The family we’ve been speaking about today has actually filed four insurance claims already. Within the last two weeks, all four of these claims have been lost by the insurance company.With so much having befallen her family, the matriarch of the family said that she was beginning to lose her faith. On the same day she was telling this to her family, though, we showed up.
They had absolutely no idea we were coming. According to the wife and mother, it was us showing up that helped to restore her faith. This was an absolutely incredible experience and we’re so humbled to have been able to help them.
It is hard to describe the feeling of seeing the things we’ve seen here. Imagine opening a cabinet to find fish sitting in pots and pans. Some homes were filled with mud while others were just completely destroyed.
This is exactly why we thought it was so important to help. We’ve supplied some manpower and made donations toward the relief effort.
If you have any goods or supplies to donate, we’re shipping supplies out from our Charleston area. Monetary donations are encouraged, as well. We’ve already raised about $10,000, and we’re still raising more. Anything you can give, even if it’s only a dollar, is appreciated. You can find the link to our donation page here
If you have any other questions or would like more information, feel free to give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you soon.